Is your engine having difficulty starting or firing? Your fuel injectors could be experiencing a number of issues. Our skilled technicians at Diesel’s Fuel Injection Service can test and diagnose your injectors and identify the problem, at an affordable rate.
We’re pleased to offer our customers the option of testing each injector individually. This means that, if there’s an issue, you can replace the individual injector, for much less than an expensive replacement of the entire set!
We use the state-of-the-art Hartridge CRI-PC machine which provides full-function testing capabilities, including a shot-to-shot analysis. We provide flush, flow testing, and resealing for multiple engine types and applications.
Our gasoline injector test equipment provides an ultrasonic cleaning, while also flow-testing your injectors and checking spray patterns. With each injector we clean, we’ll provide a complete set of new o-rings and filters if yours are worn. We offer gasoline injector testing and cleaning for any type of gasoline engine!
Reach out today, and let’s talk about your fuel injector issue. We’re confident we can test, diagnose, clean, and repair your injectors at an affordable rate. Contact us to learn more!
42 Dunklee Road • Bow, NH 03304